Reporting Dashboard

Updated on October 13, 2023

Reporting Dashboard is a high-level overview describing project readiness, deadlines, completion, etc.

Accessing Reporting Dashboard

There are 2 ways to access the Reporting Dashboard:

  1. From the Reporting Dashboard option in the menu;
  2. Through Registers and Modules.

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Reporting Dashboard - Advisera Help Center

From the Reporting Dashboard, you can access:

  • ISO 27001 Project Status Dashboard;
  • ISO 27001 Latest Approved Documents;
  • ISO 27001 Performance Dashboard;
  • Security Objectives;
  • Management Review.

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ISO 27001 Project Status Dashboard

ISO 27001 Project Status Dashboard shows you an overview of your ISO 27001 project status in Conformio:

  • The initial security objective with the number of completed tasks out of all planned tasks;
  • Compliance Steps;
  • Resources available for the project.

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ISO 27001 Compliance Dashboard

ISO 27001 Compliance Dashboard shows you an overview of your ISO 27001 project readiness to be audited for certification and lists the approved documents and automatically generated reports in your ISO 27001 project.

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ISO 27001 Compliance Dashboard gives you four main compliance aspects:

  • The Strategic Aspect shows resource monitoring, security objectives monitoring, and checking if the Information Security Policy is defined;

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  • The Organizational Aspect shows organizational inputs, the Project & Responsibilities, the Security management system, and the measurement of Security Performance;

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  • The Risk Management Aspect shows if the Risk Management Methodology is defined, if Risk Assessment and Treatment were performed, and checking which controls from the Statement of Applicability and Risk Treatment Plan were implemented.

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  • The People Aspect shows if the Training Program and CompetenciesAwareness-Raising Program, and Reporting are properly defined and if Communications were defined.

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All of these aspects have a metric, which shows completion with a green checkmark if the requirement was completed or a red cross if the requirement is not yet completed.

ISO 27001 Performance Dashboard

In the ISO 27001 Performance Dashboard, you can:

  • See an overview of the security objectives fulfillment you set;
  • See Maturity of your ISO 27001 project;
  • See Activities completed;
  • See the resources available for the project.

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Reporting Dashboard - Advisera Help Center

Security Objectives

Security Objectives is a redirect to the Security Objectives module, which is more in-depth explained in this article.

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Management Review

Management Review is a redirect to the Management Review module, which is more in-depth explained in this article.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How often is this data refreshed or updated?

All data in the “Reporting Dashboard” is immediately updated when the information in the underlying module, register, or document changes.

2. Why are some resources listed as not approved yet?

If the resources are listed as not approved yet, the resource approver has yet to approve them. If that is the case, you can check this in the “My Work” or “Responsibility Matrix” who is missing the approval and remind them to approve the resources as soon as possible so the data in the “Reporting Dashboard” is updated.

3. Is there any difference in accessing the Management Review and Security Objectives from the Reporting Dashboard instead of their respective steps in the implementation steps or via the Registers and Modules?

There is no difference in accessing either of the modules from the “Reporting Dashboard.” The experience is the same, and the data is updated in the same way.

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