How to use Experta as an implementer

Updated on March 18, 2024

This article will give you an overview of best practices for using Experta when leading an implementation project in a company.

To get the maximum benefits from Experta, it is recommended that you try out the features in the sequence they are listed below:

1) Learn about implementation

2) Find exactly what to do for each clause of the standard

3) Find the most popular questions per each topic

4) Ask questions on your own

5) Find everything Experta has answered you

1) Learn about implementation

In order to prepare for each implementation aspect, learn about the details of a standard through the Guided learning feature – its purpose is to teach you the details of a particular topic.

For example, you can learn about the details of:

  • setting the scope
  • organizing implementation in a company
  • risk management
  • overview of Annex A controls
  • preparing for a certification
  • etc.

To start Guided learning, click the menu item from the main menu:

How to use Experta as an implementer - Advisera Help Center

… and then click the Guided learning you are interested in:

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You will notice that the guided learning will automatically start, taking you through all the important questions related to the topic you have chosen.

2) Find exactly what to do for each clause of the standard

To know what the standard requires and how to perform the most important activities for each clause of the standard, use the Explore by clause feature – its purpose is to make it easier for you to find the most important questions about each clause.

For example, for each clause, you’ll find the following questions:

  • What is clause xyz?
  • How to document clause xyz?
  • How to implement clause xyz?
  • What evidence the auditor will look for regarding clause xyz?

To start Explore by clause, click the menu item from the main menu:

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… and then click the clause you are interested in:

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You will notice that the relevant set of questions will be automatically displayed – simply click any of these questions, and Experta will answer you instantly.

If you want to prepare for the most common questions your colleagues might ask you during the implementation, use the Explore by topic feature – its purpose is to show the most common questions for any given topic.

To start the Explore by clause feature, click the menu item from the main menu:

How to use Experta as an implementer - Advisera Help Center

… and then click the topic you’re interested in:

How to use Experta as an implementer - Advisera Help Center

You’ll notice that Experta will show you the 3 most popular questions from that topic – simply click any of these questions, and Experta will answer you right away.

4) Ask questions on your own

Once you explore all the questions that Experta is suggesting, it is time to start asking your own questions. (The questions below are presented for ISO 27001, but feel free to ask similar questions for other standards.)

Here are some ideas on what to ask…

Basic questions to start with

If you want to learn about the basics, here are some ideas on what you could ask:

How to organize a project

Here are some questions that you can ask to help you organize the implementation project:

Implementing each step in the project

Here is how to get help with a particular step in the project:

Handling documentation

Once you start working with documents, you can ask questions like these:

Preparing evidence for certification audit

Once you start preparing for the certification, you can find out what kind of evidence will be needed:

5) Find everything Experta has answered you

If you want to see all the answers Experta has provided you, use the Saved conversations feature – its purpose is to archive all your correspondence with Experta.

To open Saved conversations, click the menu item from the main menu:

How to use Experta as an implementer - Advisera Help Center

… and then click the conversation you want to see:

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You’ll notice that Experta will show you the whole conversation on the main screen – you can simply continue that conversation or click another saved conversation to be displayed.

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